Maha Shiva Ratri - Ahoratra Sri Rudram

Feb 24 - Mar 04, 2025
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Maha Shiva Ratri - Ahoratra Sri Rudram
Each Batch capacity is 11 sponsors only. Batch/Slot selection is first come first serve only. Temple will provide Shiva Lingam and puja items for each sponsor in every batch to perform Ekadasa Rudraabhishekam. Sponsor can take the Shiva Lingam withthem after completion of EkadasaRudraabhishekam.
Those who sponsored the VisheshaSathadhika Rudraabhishekam/wholeEvent Prasadam will get their Shivalingam at the end of last (121) Rudram.But they can participate in any batch toperform the Rudraabhishekam. At the end of each Rudraabhishekam onePrasadam will be offered to the Lord.
$ 51.00

Ekadasa Rudraabhishekam (Group)
$ 51.00
$ 151.00
$ 151.00
$ 151.00
$ 151.00
$ 151.00
$ 151.00
$ 151.00
$ 151.00
$ 151.00
$ 151.00
$ 151.00
$ 251.00

Visesha Sathadhika Rudraabhishekam
$ 251.00
$ 301.00

Event Flowers
$ 301.00
$ 501.00

Shivaratri Grand Sponsorship (Abhishekam + 1 Prasadam + Flowers)
$ 501.00
$ 51.00

Each Prasadam
$ 51.00
$ 1116.00

Whole Event Prasadam (Abhishekam + 11 Prasadams + Flowers)
$ 1116.00